What image springs to mind when you hear the word author? (For me it's Grande Dame des Lettres Canadienne Margaret Atwood.) But would you picture a pre-teen from 1927? You should, given that Barbara Newhall Follett published two novels in her early teens. But Barbara Newhall Follett it is known more as a famous missing person, vanishing December 7 1939, never to be seen again. Barbara Newhall Follett was born in Hanover, New Hampshire on March 3, 1914. Her parents were Helen and Wilson Follett, both writers and literary critics. Wilson Follett taught English at Dartmouth, Brown, and Yale before accepting a job at Knopf Publishing in New York City. Helen educated Barbara at home and encouraged a love of all things literary. Barbara began typing letters to friends and family and even set up her own office, all by the age of four. She counted Beethoven, Strauss, and Wagner as her imaginary friends. By age 6 she'd written a 4,500 word story - The Life of the Spinning Wheel, the Roc...