One of the 20th century's greatest minds vanished, never to be seen again. Ettore Majorana, Italian physicist, laid the ground work for most of what modern physicists study today. But on March 25th, 1938 he left home and never returned. Of course, theories abound, but none have been proven. Perhaps the weary man left society before his work quite possibly ended mankind. Ettore Majorana was born August 5, 1906 in Catania, Sicily. His father's brother was a physicist as well, perhaps influencing Majorana. As a boy Majorana was able to do large scale mathematic problems in his head. He entered Sapienza University in 1923 to study engineering, but changed his focus to physics. Enrico Fermi asked Majorana to work with him as a specialist in Quantum Mechanics. In 1933 as a Nazi party ascended to power, Majorana traveled to Germany to work with Werner Heisenberg. He considered Heisenberg a friend and enjoyed their working together. He traveled to Copenhagen to work with Niells Bohr. ...