We all know Aaron Burr, famous dueller. Hardly anyone knows the story of his daughter Theodosia Burr Alston. Theodosia, born June 21, 1873, was Burr's only child. Burr made sure Theodosia was better educated than others of her day - not just women. Theodosia had multiple tutors teaching her a variety of subjects. At 5 she wrote her father letters. At 10 she spoke Latin and French. Theo was seen as a prodigy. She was Burr's statement, to paraphrase Hamilton , that women "should be include(d) in the sequel." While Burr was in D.C. shaping the U.S., Theo was at home, caring for her ailing mother (also Theodosia.) After her mother died, Theo became mistress of the house. She saw to the daily running of the home, supervised staff, and entertained guests. In 1800 Burr was elected as Thomas Jefferson's Vice President. Theo met Joseph Alston, a young man from South Carolina. They married and Theo moved to South Carolina, away from D.C. and her father. She and Joseph Al...